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Writer's pictureTracey Lapham White

What is Body Positivity?

The body positive movement is rooted in the belief that all people should have a positive body image. The movement addresses unrealistic beauty standards by advocating the acceptance of all body types no matter the form, size, or appearance. The idea surrounding the body positive movement is centered around the notion that people need to love themselves to the fullest while accepting their physical traits despite constructs of society. The movement gained its roots in the fat acceptance movement and the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance. Where the predecessor movements advocate for an end to fat-shaming, the body positive movement advocates for an end to all body shaming. The body positive movement gained popularity quickly backed by some very active influencers; and it is manifesting in many different ways.

The Pitfalls

It is largely taboo to point out pitfalls in any type of movement. Especially since I am a Canadian male, and, despite being mixed race, I have white skin. The very few who know me, however, can attest that I am the last one to allow my male privilege and white privilege to work in my favor. One of the largest issues in the movement is it doesn't seem to be too inclusive, like it is supposed to be. Many of us have been raised with biases, seeing unhealthy portrayals of beauty in the media, and hearing others self deprecate ad nauseam. There are endless ways people can find something wrong with themselves. And this insidiously exploits our need to compare ourselves to others. When a friend says they need to lose a few pounds we want to tell them they're crazy and in turn make a deprecating statement about ourselves. This same dysfunction causes judgments in the body positive movement; to the point where we see primarily "plus sized" women only and hear criticisms about anybody else. Additionally, it seems as though the movement has been hijacked by the health industry.

Doing it Right

There are some who navigate the body positive movement the way it was meant to be. Their approach is judgment free and inclusive. One of these body positive movement influencers is Tracey Lapham White and her Body + Positive project. Tracey developed the project to make the world a better place through acceptance of oneself. She wishes to elevate the body positive movement to its fullest potential. The primary methods of delivery will be a blog (this one) and a magazine available on Amazon.

The objectives of Tracey's Body + Positive project, so far, are:

Body + Positive represents all men, women, and everything in between.

Body + Positive celebrates all skin tones, bone structures, and ages.

Body + Positive is here for people of all abilities, interests, and walks of life.

Body + Positive wants you to join us on a journey of self-discovery and love.

You can actively participate in her project by:

Being a model

Giving an interview

Modelling and interviewing

Writing for her magazine or blog

Reading and commenting on the blog

Reviewing and sharing the published magazines

Tracey urges everybody to "Live your life the Body + Positive way - as the very best You, you can be." Her Body + Positive Magazine project will be available in the fall so keep watching for it.

Originally posted at by Jason White

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